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Filed Notice:60CV-23-6730

Date Posted: May 17, 2024

Date of Sale: July 18, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-24-2941

Date Posted: June 27, 2024

Date of Sale: July 18, 2024

Filed Notice:4 22-CV-180-BSM

Date Posted: April 18, 2024

Date of Sale: July 25, 2024

Filed Notice:4-23-CV-00788-BSM

Date Posted: June 20, 2024

Date of Sale: July 25, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-22-4512

Date Posted: June 27, 2024

Date of Sale: August 1, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-20-7379

Date Posted: June 28, 2024

Date of Sale: August 1, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-23-7796

Date Posted: July 5, 2024

Date of Sale: August 8, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-24-3176

Date Posted: July 8, 2024

Date of Sale: August 8, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-17-7140

Date Posted: July 18, 2024

Date of Sale: August 15, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-24-2941

Date Posted: July 16, 2024

Date of Sale: August 15, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-22-2039

Date Posted: July 19, 2024

Date of Sale: August 22, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-23-8873

Date Posted: July 10, 2024

Date of Sale: August 22, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-24-4559

Date Posted: July 22, 2024

Date of Sale: August 29, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-16-5317

Date Posted: July 17, 2024

Date of Sale: August 29, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-20-5614

Date Posted: August 1, 2024

Date of Sale: September 5, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-23-7838

Date Posted: January 10, 2024

Date of Sale: February 1, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-22-8466

Date Posted: December 19, 2023

Date of Sale: January 11, 2024

Filed Notice:60PR-12-24

Date Posted: December 12, 2023

Date of Sale: January 25, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-23-7136

Date Posted: January 3, 2024

Date of Sale: January 24, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-23-7158

Notes: Sale Cancelled

Date Posted: January 10, 2024

Date of Sale: February 1, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-15-3821

Notes: Sale Cancelled

Date Posted: January 8, 2024

Date of Sale: February 8, 2024

Filed Notice:60CV-23-2623

Date Posted: November 6, 2023

Date of Sale: November 30, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-23-3852

Date Posted: October 26, 2024

Date of Sale: November 16, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-23-533

Date Posted: October 10, 2023

Date of Sale: November 2, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-22-323

Date Posted: August 8, 2023

Date of Sale: October 26, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-23-2968

Date Posted: September 29, 2023

Date of Sale: October 26, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-23-2623

Notes: Sale Cancelled

Date Posted: November 2, 2023

Date of Sale: October 12, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-21-4985 Pulaski

Date Posted: September 6, 2023

Date of Sale: September 21, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-21-4985 Jefferson

Date Posted: September 6, 2023

Date of Sale: September 21, 2023

Filed Notice:23CV-22-581

Date Posted: July 23, 2023

Date of Sale: September 7, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-16-7016

Date Posted: August 11, 2023

Date of Sale: September 7, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-21-1521

Date Posted: July 13, 2023

Date of Sale: September 14, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-21-1697

Date Posted: July 12, 2023

Date of Sale: September 21, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-18-76

Date Posted: July 27, 2023

Date of Sale: August 17, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-21-4021

Date Posted: May 5, 2023

Date of Sale: June 8, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-21-4018

Notes: Credit Bid of$20,000.00

Date Posted: May 5, 2023

Date of Sale: June 8, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-22-6216

Notes: Credit Bid of $180,000.00

Date Posted: May 9, 2023

Date of Sale: June 1, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-22-8474

Notes: Minimum Bid of $31,069.00

Date Posted: April 26, 2023

Date of Sale: May 25, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-21-7510

Notes: Minimum Bid of $216,222.23

Date Posted: May 2, 2023

Date of Sale: May 18, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-21-4232

Notes: Credit Bid of $190,583.57

Date Posted: April 13, 2023

Date of Sale: May 18, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-17-1021

Notes: Minimum Bid of $1,395,000.00

Date Posted: May 3, 2023

Date of Sale: May 11, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-22-6300

Notes: Credit Bid of $43,100.00

Date Posted: April 17, 2023

Date of Sale: May 4, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-23-438

Notes: Minimum Bid of $116,196.15

Date Posted: April 4, 2023

Date of Sale: April 27, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-22-3489

Notes: Credit Bid of $24,927.38

Date Posted: April 6, 2023

Date of Sale: April 27, 2023

Filed Notice:60CV-22-1022

Notes: Cancelled

Date Posted: November 28, 2022

Date of Sale: January 26, 2023

Filed Notice:23CV-22-581

Notes: Cancelled

Date Posted: January 31, 2023

Date of Sale: February 16, 2023

Filed Notice:23CV-22-581

Date Posted: November 30, 2022

Date of Sale: December 15, 2022

Filed Notice:60CV-22-5363

Date Posted: November 22, 2022

Date of Sale: December 15, 2022

Filed Notice:60CV-22-1258

Notes: Opening Bid of $44,697.71

Date Posted: November 2, 2022

Date of Sale: December 1, 2022

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