The Voter Registration Department processes voter registration, registration updates, and transfers for address changes and maintains the county’s voter registration data. The office also processes requests, distributes, and receives absentee ballots.
Register to Vote
You must be registered to vote at least 30 days prior to election day in the state of Arkansas. The requirements to register include:
- Be a U.S. citizen
- Be an Arkansas resident (residing in Arkansas at least 30 days before the first election in which you plan to vote)
- Be 18 or turn 18 on or before the next election
- Not be convicted of a felony without your sentence having been discharged or pardoned
- Not be presently adjudged mentally incompetent as to your ability to vote by a court of competent jurisdiction
- Must not claim the right to vote in another other county or state
Relevant Forms
- Voter Registration Application – English
- Voter Registration Application – Spanish
- Sample Copy of a New Applicant
You can complete a voter registration application at the Pulaski County Courthouse, 401 West Markham Street in Little Rock.
When you receive a voter information card from our office, consider yourself registered in Pulaski County. If you are still waiting to receive notice within two weeks of applying, contact our office or visit to see if you are in the database.
Changes to Voter Registration
Please notify our office of any changes to your voter registration such as name, address, or political affiliation.
Absentee Voting
Eligible voters who want to vote by absentee ballot can complete an Absentee Ballot Application form. The completed form can be mailed to 401 West Markham Street, Little Rock, AR 72201, emailed to [email protected], or delivered in person to the Voter Department.
- Absentee Ballot Application
- How to Complete an Absentee Ballot Application
- Overseas Absentee Ballot & Voter Registration Application (UOCAVA)
- Absentee Cancellation Form
- Absentee Ballot Replacement Form
Please visit the Arkansas Secretary of State’s website for more information on absentee voting for overseas voters.
Restoring Voting Rights
Arkansas law affords persons convicted of a felony the unique opportunity to have their voting rights restored under certain conditions. Ark. Code Ann. Amend. 51 §11(d)(2)(A-D). There are three steps to restore your voting rights
Step 1: Obtain proof from the appropriate state or local agencies that all the requirements have been completed OR evidence that the record has been sealed. Provide the following information:
- discharged papers from probation or parole;
- confirmation that all probation or parole fees have been paid;
- satisfied all terms of imprisonment;
- paid all applicable court costs, fines, or restitution
Step 2: Submit proof to the Voter Registration Department of the county clerk’s office where the person convicted of a felony now resides.
Step 3: Complete an Arkansas Voter Registration Application and return it to the Voter Department.
Voter Registration Drives
If you would like to invite the Clerk’s Office to conduct a voter registration drive at your next event, click here to learn more. If you would like to plan your own voter registration drive in your community, listed below are the key items to have at your next event;
- Voter Registration Forms
- 2024 Key Dates to Remember
- QR Code to check your voter status
- New Voter Registration Sample
- Change of Address/Name Sample
- Restoration of Voting Rights
Election Commission
The Pulaski County Election Commission is an independent, bi-partisan government entity operating under state and federal election laws to promote accurate, efficient, accessible, and secure elections for the citizens of Pulaski County. The Commission manages the selection and administration of polling places, supervises poll workers, and counts ballots.
Pulaski County Board of Election Commissioners
501 W. Markham, Ste. A
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-340-8383
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register to vote?
Download the voter registration forms, which are available in PDF format in English or Spanish.
Where can I go to vote?
You can vote early at any early voting site. On Election Day, you must vote at your assigned polling location. Find Your Polling Place
I looked up my name on Voterview and am not in the database. What do I do?
Call the Pulaski Circuit/County Clerk’s office at (501) 340-8336 or e-mail us at [email protected]. The registration process generally takes two weeks if you are a new registrant. The County Clerk will mail you an acknowledgment of your voter registration. Only then are you “guaranteed” that you are registered to vote.
How do I change my voter registration address?
Click here to download the Voter Application/Update form. Complete and return the form to the County Clerk’s office. You may mail it, bring it in person, or fax it to (501) 421-9255.
How do I vote by absentee ballot?
Download the absentee ballot application. We can mail or fax the application, or you can pick one up at the county clerk’s office. Complete the application and return the form to the county clerk’s office by applicable deadlines. Unless you specify otherwise on your application, you must submit a new application for each election you intend to vote by absentee ballot. For active-duty military and overseas citizens, an absentee ballot application covers all elections through the next Federal General Election Cycle. These absentee voters must indicate this preference on the application. On the absentee ballot application, declare how you wish to receive your ballot: picking it up in person, receiving it by mail, or by allowing a designated bearer or an authorized agent to pick it up. The Pulaski Circuit/County Clerk will not fax absentee ballots. For further questions, please contact us at (501) 340-8336 or [email protected].
What do I do if my name is not listed in the poll book when I go to the polls?
If you are registered to vote and are in the correct precinct, but your name does not appear in the poll book, you have the right to cast a provisional ballot. When voting by provisional ballot, you must sign an affirmation that you are a registered voter in Pulaski County and are eligible to vote in that election. Provisional ballots count after your voter registration is confirmed. The Pulaski County Election Commission will notify you in writing whether your ballot was counted after the election.
When does early voting start?
Early voting begins 15 days before any preferential primary or general election day. For runoff elections, it begins five days before the election day. See the Elections page for exact dates and times of upcoming elections.
Can convicted felons vote?
Under Amendment 51 of the Constitution of Arkansas, convicted felons can eventually have their voting rights restored. To become eligible, convicted felons must satisfy all terms of imprisonment, be discharged from probation or parole, and have paid all applicable fines, court costs, restitution, etc. Once they have completely “paid their debt to society,” convicted felons can regain their eligibility to vote. Download information sheet for more details.